With sublimation you can use as many colors as you desire.
There are No screen charges.
All prices include the printing on FRONT & BACK of the ITEM.
Normal production time 10 working days from approved artwork.

- Files Formats

PDF (Adobe Photoshop)
AI (Adobe Illustrator)
EPS (Encapsulated postscript)
JPG (High Resolution Images only)

- Resolution
All files should be 300 DPI (200 DPI minimum for larger images) * Digital photos should be taken at 4 mega-pixels or greater to provide the largest dpi possible. (Most cell phone images are not ideal)

- Color space
All files submitted should be in RGB color upon delivery. *

All files must be 100% of output size desired. (i.e: 6x6 product / transfer is produced from a 6x6 image)*
To preserve your fonts: rasterize, convert to outlines or send fonts used.
Type text should be 12 point or larger*

When sending files via the internet (e-mail, FTP, 3rd party) file compression such as Winrar / Winzip is highly suggested to assist reducing file size and assuring file integrity by reducing the chance corruption.

* If supplied files do not meet our specifications, additional fees will apply. Design work is billed at $35 per hour. We will contact prior to doing any work or adjustments.